Saturday, June 12

Wavin' Flag

When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag

When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back

Born to a throne, stronger than Rome
But Violent prone, poor people zone
But it’s my home, all I have known
Where I got grown, streets we would roam
But out of the darkness, I came the farthest
Among the hardest survival
Learn from these streets, it can be bleak
Except no defeat, surrender retreat

So we struggling, fighting to eat and
We wondering when we’ll be free
So we patiently wait, for that fateful day
It’s not far away, so for now we say

When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back

So many wars, settling scores
Bringing us promises, leaving us poor
I heard them say, love is the way
Love is the answer, that’s what they say,
But look how they treat us, make us believers
We fight their battles, then they deceive us
Try to control us, they couldn’t hold us
Cause we just move forward like Buffalo Soldiers

But we struggling, fighting to eat
And we wondering, when we’ll be free
So we patiently wait, for that faithful day
It’s not far away, but for now we say

When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back

When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back

(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And everybody will be singing it
(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And you and I will be singing it
(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And we all will be singing it
(Ohhh Ohh Ohh Ohh)

When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back

When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back

When I get older, when I get older
I will be stronger, just like a Waving Flag
Just like a Waving Flag, just like a Waving flag
Flag, flag, Just like a Waving Flag.

p/s:currently listening to Wavin' Flag

Thursday, June 10

nothing else to say

heavenly doing nothing other than relaxing

because i don't want to do anything.

i'm out word

my vocabs are all gone

my writing

become blurry

and i can't seems to give brilliant ideas now


i'm speechless

i'm just being sessile for now

no more updates

because i'm out if it.

Que Sera Sera...

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me.

Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.

where it all gone when i need it too much???

Tuesday, June 8

results day...ouh!!!

hari nh bermula dengan keadaan aku yg terpinga2 mcm org x btul.memang hti tga x sbr nk taw pointer.sebelum tu, kul 2 pg ak da sms da check gred.and, alhamdulillah, semuenye kelihatan ok.kecuali kimia la.hahaha..mmg da agk da pun.di paginyer, setelah sedar awal la jugak, aku bngun dgn perut yg tga lapar gile bapak kucing, membuka tv.hti da mmg x sbr da nh.ak capai laptop, bkk.still no progress.ok.xpe2.ak tgu punyer tgu.mama blik, bwk nsik lemak.bukan feveret aku nh,, bantai je la mkn.perut meminta diisikan sekenyang2nyer...mkn la ak pun, mulut pot pet pot pet ngadu kt mama psl result yg belum kuar.huh!!hbs mkn ak merepek lg.cot cet cot cet lak...bkk lptop, still xde.tgu la ak duk berfb sorg2 ak sambil menggoogle sensorg aku.dan, kul 10, ak bkk healthy campus, dan *ting*_____rsult pun kuar...


091 3.60 3.60  3.63 AKTIF  15 11 0 0 4 
092 3.60 3.60  3.58 AKTIF  36 26 0 0 10 
uhuhuhu...ternganga aku tgk.xde perubahan duhh....well, ak pun jerit la..
aku:mama, same je mcm dulu!!!
mama: ok la tu/yg pntg dekan jugak kan?
aku:ok.cume xpuas hti ngan kimia je.sikit sgt.hmm..
mama:tak bersyukur la tu.

aku masih memandang skrin dengan hti yg sgt xpercaye.tetapi, aku bersyukur dengan ape yg aku dpt.alhamdulillah.Tuhan dah kabulkan doa aku.dan masih memandang skrin laptop.dan,hr iru berjalan macam biase sahaja.mak ngah dah bersalin.itulah berita yg aku dpt semalam dari mama sebelum results kuar.hmmm...ptg itu, mama kate nk bli hset bru untuk ak...and ak pilih Sony Ericson K630...2nd hand pun jd lah beb.huhuhu.xkesahlah.yg pntg hadiah dr mama n, skang nh hset ak buat masalah lak.cis!!!!

lebeh kurg mcm nh la hset ak tuh yg sdg membuat masalah...hmmm..

Monday, June 7

itukah yang dinamakan hidup??

tajuk seperti biase, mcm org gil2 sdg makan aym masak merah cili api.tiada kaitan dengan entry yg bkl ditulis dan bkl anda saksikan sebentar lg.hahahaha...saksikan ape?ha..itulah yg kite xtaw yerr...hmm...sdg bergil2 dgn diri sendiri.ucapkan selamat maju jaya kpd diri sendiri juge kerana tiada yg akn menganggap kehadiran aku sesuatu yg harus diambil pusing.semua tentang diri aku sendiri.result pun dah nk kuar,tataw ape nk jd ngan diri aku sekarang nh sebab semua yg aku buat, memang tak berjiwa langsung.nth la...pejam celik, pejam celik, pejam celik, masa cepat aje berlalu.rasa macam baru semalam aku msuk USM, skang nh dah nk masuk 2nd year.rase mcm bru je semalam aku tglkan dunia persekolahan riang ria kanak2ribena, and aku rupe2nyer, almost 2 years away from old-skool menjengah bagai nk gil.tataw nk ckp derr...adik2 senior rupenye lg berjaye dr ak sendiri.wah, hbt arr dyorg.mmg ptt pun ckgu2 syg gil2 jt dyorg.sbb dyorg semamangnye hbt2 belaka.uhuhuhu...xpelah, tu rezeki dyorg kan?mcm ak sendiri, aku tataw, apekah btul pilihan aku ini.semacam je ak duk pk, adekah aku memilih biotech sebagai pilihan untuk mencorak mase depan ak adalah pilihan yg betul2 tepat yang aku telah amek.adekah aku sepatutnye pilih kerjaya guru sebagai pilihan corak mase depan ak?sampai sekarang nh ak tataw.ape yg pasti, aku just go with the flow.and, alhamdulillah, sepanjang mase nh, flow hdup aku masih smooth lg.ade la jgk herot-berot terkehel sane-sini ats sebab musabab dan kekecualian yg hrus tidak pernah ade dlm hdup ak, i'm happy with my life.even, xbrape nk enjoy sgt.aku suke.yuppo!!!esok dah nk kuar result final dah.maybe mse tu da leh taw major ape yg ak dapat.Ya Allah, betapa aku risau dan runsing dengan ape yg bkl aku lihat esok hr...permudahkan jalan kejayaan bagiku dan rkn2 ku...
hr keluarnye rsult selalunye adelah hr di mana aku sering rase nk terkentut, nk terkench... bnyk2.sakit perut juge bertndg dgn kerapnya.uhuhuhu...mmg xbuleh elak duhh!!!mcm ne la agknye esok yerr...???itu yg kite xtaw yer!!!ahahaha..mmg mase cpt sgt berjalan.bgun pg td, mama gerak kte nk p Baling.aku mcm mls, and aku ckp mls p.dgn alasannyer, "Ika, nak tdur lg!!!", xpe la.xlme lpas tu ak bgun dan membuka kotak bergmbr yg la tu.dan menonton siaran yg berbgai2.beselah. ak mmg suke browsing channels.uhh...mmg suke.bce paper, xhbs2 lg dgn isu Israel laknatullah menawan kapal2 bantuan kemanusiaan ke Gaza. psl FIFA World Cup pun bnyk nk bce sgt.mcm bese, ak headlines pun ak suke browsing gak.hahahah...mmg contoh manusia yg pemalas membaca,pening la.mcm cacing je aku tgk tulisan2 kt paper tu.kalo bg ak novel Hlovate ak bce la jgk.nth la kenapa kan???
lpas browsing headlines, ak tgk kt dapur(actually, ak selalu tgk dpur sbb bilikku dkt dgn dpur je pun...kuar2 muka da nmpk peti ais.ish2....) ade nsik lemak kesukaan aku sbb lauk daging dye yg mmg perhhhh....mkn2, dan aku pun nonton lg.sampai kain da msk, aku pun sidai kain dan golek2 dpn tv.tgk Kimora:Life In The Fab Lane.hahaha..lwk der..mmg lwk.

ketidakhabisan dgn ungkapan "Fabulousity" ak mnt tgk gaya model tu yg bossy.hahaha..lagak org kaye kut??kan3???golek2 lg, tup2 da kul 2.nasik dah tanak, masak da pun, ak belum gak mkn.mkn2.tgk tv, ak bru nk solat.uhhh...mama n ayh lum lg blik.lamma gil2 la repair kete.hmm....xpe la.aku godek2 lak.google2 lak.ape yg buleh google.sbb bosan ak mmg da terlampau.adik ak duk kerabat ape kenama pun ak xtaw.pastu dye chiow kuar lepak2 ngan member2 dye.smlm da kena mrh ngan mak ak da.xtaw la dye tu.xprnh nk berubah.

kite tgu esok ape nk jd k???

Saturday, June 12

Wavin' Flag

When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag

When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back

Born to a throne, stronger than Rome
But Violent prone, poor people zone
But it’s my home, all I have known
Where I got grown, streets we would roam
But out of the darkness, I came the farthest
Among the hardest survival
Learn from these streets, it can be bleak
Except no defeat, surrender retreat

So we struggling, fighting to eat and
We wondering when we’ll be free
So we patiently wait, for that fateful day
It’s not far away, so for now we say

When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back

So many wars, settling scores
Bringing us promises, leaving us poor
I heard them say, love is the way
Love is the answer, that’s what they say,
But look how they treat us, make us believers
We fight their battles, then they deceive us
Try to control us, they couldn’t hold us
Cause we just move forward like Buffalo Soldiers

But we struggling, fighting to eat
And we wondering, when we’ll be free
So we patiently wait, for that faithful day
It’s not far away, but for now we say

When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back

When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back

(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And everybody will be singing it
(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And you and I will be singing it
(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And we all will be singing it
(Ohhh Ohh Ohh Ohh)

When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back

When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back

When I get older, when I get older
I will be stronger, just like a Waving Flag
Just like a Waving Flag, just like a Waving flag
Flag, flag, Just like a Waving Flag.

p/s:currently listening to Wavin' Flag

Thursday, June 10

nothing else to say

heavenly doing nothing other than relaxing

because i don't want to do anything.

i'm out word

my vocabs are all gone

my writing

become blurry

and i can't seems to give brilliant ideas now


i'm speechless

i'm just being sessile for now

no more updates

because i'm out if it.

Que Sera Sera...

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me.

Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.

where it all gone when i need it too much???

Tuesday, June 8

results day...ouh!!!

hari nh bermula dengan keadaan aku yg terpinga2 mcm org x btul.memang hti tga x sbr nk taw pointer.sebelum tu, kul 2 pg ak da sms da check gred.and, alhamdulillah, semuenye kelihatan ok.kecuali kimia la.hahaha..mmg da agk da pun.di paginyer, setelah sedar awal la jugak, aku bngun dgn perut yg tga lapar gile bapak kucing, membuka tv.hti da mmg x sbr da nh.ak capai laptop, bkk.still no progress.ok.xpe2.ak tgu punyer tgu.mama blik, bwk nsik lemak.bukan feveret aku nh,, bantai je la mkn.perut meminta diisikan sekenyang2nyer...mkn la ak pun, mulut pot pet pot pet ngadu kt mama psl result yg belum kuar.huh!!hbs mkn ak merepek lg.cot cet cot cet lak...bkk lptop, still xde.tgu la ak duk berfb sorg2 ak sambil menggoogle sensorg aku.dan, kul 10, ak bkk healthy campus, dan *ting*_____rsult pun kuar...


091 3.60 3.60  3.63 AKTIF  15 11 0 0 4 
092 3.60 3.60  3.58 AKTIF  36 26 0 0 10 
uhuhuhu...ternganga aku tgk.xde perubahan duhh....well, ak pun jerit la..
aku:mama, same je mcm dulu!!!
mama: ok la tu/yg pntg dekan jugak kan?
aku:ok.cume xpuas hti ngan kimia je.sikit sgt.hmm..
mama:tak bersyukur la tu.

aku masih memandang skrin dengan hti yg sgt xpercaye.tetapi, aku bersyukur dengan ape yg aku dpt.alhamdulillah.Tuhan dah kabulkan doa aku.dan masih memandang skrin laptop.dan,hr iru berjalan macam biase sahaja.mak ngah dah bersalin.itulah berita yg aku dpt semalam dari mama sebelum results kuar.hmmm...ptg itu, mama kate nk bli hset bru untuk ak...and ak pilih Sony Ericson K630...2nd hand pun jd lah beb.huhuhu.xkesahlah.yg pntg hadiah dr mama n, skang nh hset ak buat masalah lak.cis!!!!

lebeh kurg mcm nh la hset ak tuh yg sdg membuat masalah...hmmm..

Monday, June 7

itukah yang dinamakan hidup??

tajuk seperti biase, mcm org gil2 sdg makan aym masak merah cili api.tiada kaitan dengan entry yg bkl ditulis dan bkl anda saksikan sebentar lg.hahahaha...saksikan ape?ha..itulah yg kite xtaw yerr...hmm...sdg bergil2 dgn diri sendiri.ucapkan selamat maju jaya kpd diri sendiri juge kerana tiada yg akn menganggap kehadiran aku sesuatu yg harus diambil pusing.semua tentang diri aku sendiri.result pun dah nk kuar,tataw ape nk jd ngan diri aku sekarang nh sebab semua yg aku buat, memang tak berjiwa langsung.nth la...pejam celik, pejam celik, pejam celik, masa cepat aje berlalu.rasa macam baru semalam aku msuk USM, skang nh dah nk masuk 2nd year.rase mcm bru je semalam aku tglkan dunia persekolahan riang ria kanak2ribena, and aku rupe2nyer, almost 2 years away from old-skool menjengah bagai nk gil.tataw nk ckp derr...adik2 senior rupenye lg berjaye dr ak sendiri.wah, hbt arr dyorg.mmg ptt pun ckgu2 syg gil2 jt dyorg.sbb dyorg semamangnye hbt2 belaka.uhuhuhu...xpelah, tu rezeki dyorg kan?mcm ak sendiri, aku tataw, apekah btul pilihan aku ini.semacam je ak duk pk, adekah aku memilih biotech sebagai pilihan untuk mencorak mase depan ak adalah pilihan yg betul2 tepat yang aku telah amek.adekah aku sepatutnye pilih kerjaya guru sebagai pilihan corak mase depan ak?sampai sekarang nh ak tataw.ape yg pasti, aku just go with the flow.and, alhamdulillah, sepanjang mase nh, flow hdup aku masih smooth lg.ade la jgk herot-berot terkehel sane-sini ats sebab musabab dan kekecualian yg hrus tidak pernah ade dlm hdup ak, i'm happy with my life.even, xbrape nk enjoy sgt.aku suke.yuppo!!!esok dah nk kuar result final dah.maybe mse tu da leh taw major ape yg ak dapat.Ya Allah, betapa aku risau dan runsing dengan ape yg bkl aku lihat esok hr...permudahkan jalan kejayaan bagiku dan rkn2 ku...
hr keluarnye rsult selalunye adelah hr di mana aku sering rase nk terkentut, nk terkench... bnyk2.sakit perut juge bertndg dgn kerapnya.uhuhuhu...mmg xbuleh elak duhh!!!mcm ne la agknye esok yerr...???itu yg kite xtaw yer!!!ahahaha..mmg mase cpt sgt berjalan.bgun pg td, mama gerak kte nk p Baling.aku mcm mls, and aku ckp mls p.dgn alasannyer, "Ika, nak tdur lg!!!", xpe la.xlme lpas tu ak bgun dan membuka kotak bergmbr yg la tu.dan menonton siaran yg berbgai2.beselah. ak mmg suke browsing channels.uhh...mmg suke.bce paper, xhbs2 lg dgn isu Israel laknatullah menawan kapal2 bantuan kemanusiaan ke Gaza. psl FIFA World Cup pun bnyk nk bce sgt.mcm bese, ak headlines pun ak suke browsing gak.hahahah...mmg contoh manusia yg pemalas membaca,pening la.mcm cacing je aku tgk tulisan2 kt paper tu.kalo bg ak novel Hlovate ak bce la jgk.nth la kenapa kan???
lpas browsing headlines, ak tgk kt dapur(actually, ak selalu tgk dpur sbb bilikku dkt dgn dpur je pun...kuar2 muka da nmpk peti ais.ish2....) ade nsik lemak kesukaan aku sbb lauk daging dye yg mmg perhhhh....mkn2, dan aku pun nonton lg.sampai kain da msk, aku pun sidai kain dan golek2 dpn tv.tgk Kimora:Life In The Fab Lane.hahaha..lwk der..mmg lwk.

ketidakhabisan dgn ungkapan "Fabulousity" ak mnt tgk gaya model tu yg bossy.hahaha..lagak org kaye kut??kan3???golek2 lg, tup2 da kul 2.nasik dah tanak, masak da pun, ak belum gak mkn.mkn2.tgk tv, ak bru nk solat.uhhh...mama n ayh lum lg blik.lamma gil2 la repair kete.hmm....xpe la.aku godek2 lak.google2 lak.ape yg buleh google.sbb bosan ak mmg da terlampau.adik ak duk kerabat ape kenama pun ak xtaw.pastu dye chiow kuar lepak2 ngan member2 dye.smlm da kena mrh ngan mak ak da.xtaw la dye tu.xprnh nk berubah.

kite tgu esok ape nk jd k???